This week flew by, and all of a sudden it was Missionary Monday again!
Elder Wadley must have had a quick week too, because his e-mail was short.
He did send a couple of pictures though, so YAY!
Here is his e-mail this week:
He starts his day (according to his Christmas phone call) a little after 6 am. (This is the kid who couldn't scrape his back off the mattress before noon.) He boils water for his morning Aguapanela. (a popular drink in Colombia- it is basically a chunk of boiled sugar cane that has hardened into a hockey puck looking thing. They break off chunks of it, and add it to boiled water like a sugar tea.) Then the details blur in my head, but they have individual study (scripture and language) companion study, exercise (!!), breakfast, and get ready for the day. Then they go out to appointments or tracting to find people to make appointments with.
It still blows my mind at the changes he has made in just a few short months. He is quoting scriptures and is "loving every part of it" and "has lots of goals and is excited for the challenge." ?????
Who the crap is this kid?
I like him.
Also in his phone call he mentioned that some people roasted a whole pig during the holidays. He sent me a picture of it. It reminds me of the first few months he was out on his mission and would consistently send me photos of dead things.
At least this one was edible, although he and his companion were not invited to hog down on that pig. Maybe another time.
Incidentally, there are many ways to say "pig" in Spanish: Cerdo, Puerco, Chancho, Cochino, Galapago, Cochinillo.
And I guess Jamon- if you get to eat it...right off of the curb.
Elder Wadley must have had a quick week too, because his e-mail was short.
He did send a couple of pictures though, so YAY!
Here is his e-mail this week:
Hey fam!
Happy new year!!I can't belive that we are in 2016! It is freaking crazy!!Well this week has been pretty decent. We are slowly getting more people to teach and bettering the area a little bit.On new years eve and new years day we got to together as missionaries again and celebrated! We played games and just kinda chilled for that night and the next day. Really this week hasn't really been anything cool. Basically normal stuff.I am getting closer and closer to finishing the Book of Mormon again and i am loving every part of it!I have a lot of goals and stuff that i want to accomplish this year and i am excited for the challenge!I really don't have a lot to say this week so i guess i will leave you with a little bit of what i was reading this week.I was reading in Alma about Moroni (by the way he is a stud) and how that the Lamanites were going to attack the people of Moroni and thier armies were big. But with the help of the Lord nothing bad happened to them and they defeated all the of Lamanites.It made me think about how much faith I need to put in the Lord when the outcome of the situation looks bad.Anyways i encourage you to read the story its really good!I love you guys! Sorry for the short email! Talk to you next week!!
Elder WadleyI know that my boy is a missionary now, but some things are really crazy to me.
He starts his day (according to his Christmas phone call) a little after 6 am. (This is the kid who couldn't scrape his back off the mattress before noon.) He boils water for his morning Aguapanela. (a popular drink in Colombia- it is basically a chunk of boiled sugar cane that has hardened into a hockey puck looking thing. They break off chunks of it, and add it to boiled water like a sugar tea.) Then the details blur in my head, but they have individual study (scripture and language) companion study, exercise (!!), breakfast, and get ready for the day. Then they go out to appointments or tracting to find people to make appointments with.
It still blows my mind at the changes he has made in just a few short months. He is quoting scriptures and is "loving every part of it" and "has lots of goals and is excited for the challenge." ?????
Who the crap is this kid?
I like him.
Also in his phone call he mentioned that some people roasted a whole pig during the holidays. He sent me a picture of it. It reminds me of the first few months he was out on his mission and would consistently send me photos of dead things.
At least this one was edible, although he and his companion were not invited to hog down on that pig. Maybe another time.
Incidentally, there are many ways to say "pig" in Spanish: Cerdo, Puerco, Chancho, Cochino, Galapago, Cochinillo.
And I guess Jamon- if you get to eat it...right off of the curb.

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