Here is Elder Wadley's email this week:
Well Happy Birthday Dad!! I hope all of your wildest dreams come true!!
Sounds like you guys had a pretty fun time in Cali! Oh and the water there looks real pretty! Things have been really good and difficult here. We had a lot of people tell us this week that they are not interested which totally blows because we don't really have anybody. But we are going to try to get more investigators this week and hopefully we can get a ton!
This week was pretty normal. All the leaders went to Medellin for a conference and we had another Elder with us for like 2 1/2 days. We got to work in his area for a day and it was pretty fun. We haven't done really a whole lot of interesting things this week. Last P-day we went to a park: Los Yarumos.
It makes me laugh how they just slap their name badge on wherever on P-day's |
Neature. It's pretty neat. |
It was pretty cool we went on a little tour thing that they had set up and learned about the planet ha! It was pretty cool though. We also went on another little neature walk.
(No, "neature" is not a typo. Jayden and Brendan had this weird obsession with some YouTube series that referred to nature as neature, because nature is "pretty neat." So ever since then they have both called anything outdoors "neature." I realize that I have raised weirdos.)
Other than that we haven't had a whole lot happen.
I am almost done with the Book of Mormon and its been great! I am excited to start it up again! Oh i wanted to share a scripture with you guys in 3 Nephi 18:21.
"Pray in your families unto the Father, always in my name, that your wives and your children may be blessed."
If you weren't doing family prayers, better start.
I will attach a couple photos as well:)
Las Preguntas
1. You mentioned a couple letters ago that you did a secret Santa thing? Tell me about that? I forgot to ask about it. Well it was a normal secret santa. We had a person and had to buy them something. I had a sister missionary and bought her a sick spiderman scarf;)
2. Have you finished reading the Boof of Mormon yet? What is your favorite story? Our family is in third Nephi. Just plugging along. :) Almost done. I want to finish it this week:) Something that i really did like when i was reading a little back was the example of Moroni. The dude is a stud ha! We should all try to be a little more like him.
3. What have you done for PDay lately? Anything fun? The park and i think we are going to do something fun today as well.
4. Have you had any more incidents since you changed your locks? Nothing:)
5. I am sending a package soon- let me know if you need anything. I'm sending you a new journal in it. I am all good thanks!:)
Love you guys!! Talk to you next week!
Elder Wadley
I will leave you all with a photo of Elder Wadley's attempt at making a cookie. In a pan. On the stove.
Sorry Betty Crocker. |
When I asked him what kind of cookie it was supposed to be, he answered with "a burnt one."
I think I see some little sacrificial chocolate chips in there.
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