Today's email included a lot of photos!
The highlight was the branch talent show. Elder Wadley sent a bunch of pictures of the talent show. If anyone has been scrolling through channels and happened upon a Spanish variety show- well, this would put
Sábado Gigante to shame! HA! Fun fact- our family isn't what I would call "talented"- but I guess in Colombia we would be!
These are the questions I asked him this week- to reference the first part of his email.
1- Have you experienced or witnessed any tender mercies/miracles in your life during the past couple of months?
2- Do you have any advice for us to help us be a better family/member missionaries?
3- Do you need/ want anything?
4- Is there anything specific you would like us to pray for? (Investigators, etc)
Here is Jayden's email this week:
First off tell Shayne that his hair in that picture looks freaking
awesome! Sounds like you guys had a good week, makes me happy! We had a pretty fun week here, but at the same time normal. Oh and to answer your questions:
I have seen so many things it is honestly so crazy. Everyday there are
tender mercies in my life. Basically my whole mission is miracles and tender mercies.
2-My advice for you would be try to help out as much as you can. Lessons with members are wayyyy better than regular lessons. Not
that normal lessons are bad it is just that it is way more powerful
with other people there to testify. Maybe every once in awhile
can visit and invite the less actives and people like that because a
lot of time they feel like they are forgotten and stuff like that. Always just be a friendly person in general.
Oh and take care of my jeep and scooter.
for specifically i don't think so i think for right now we are alright,
everyone is doing good. I will let you know though! Thanks!
you for the quote it is really cool. I also like what you said about
the temple because we really do take it for granted and i know i miss it really bad!
Anyways here is what happened this week....
Monday- Like i said we went to the Buena Vista, it is a mall a little ways from our house and i bought everybody frozen yogurt. I ate Subway and they both tasted super good! Overall my birthday went really good! There was a HHHUUUGGGEEE lack of chicken
pillows though oh man thats like all i could think about!
Tuesday- The coolest thing that happened on Tuesday is we started teaching Leo. He is the dad to Aydees baby. It was super cool because
he was telling us of all the changes that he could see in Aydee. Leo
and his family have known Aydee since she was young
and they
can all see the change she has gone through after her baptism. That is
one of the coolest things about being here and teaching the people- to see this change in them.
Wednesday- Wednesday i had an intercambio with Elder Esquivel again and it was fun we taught a bunch and the day went pretty normal.
Thursday- Nothing cool happened on Thursday. It was too hot.
Friday- We had a lot of funny/weird things happen on Friday. We were at Aydees for awhile talking to her and one of the kids that lives above
her can do some super weird stuff with his body, it was kinda nuts. A
couple other things happened throughout the day like Hermana
Betty singing into a broom. At the end of the night we were teaching the
family Puerta and we got done with the lesson and invited them to the Talent Show we were having on Saturday and we told them there would be refreshments and stuff like that kinda describing
what it would be like. The 12 year old kid basically asked us if the
refreshment was going to be the sacrament and i about died laughing it was so funny and so perfect.**
Saturday- We didn't get to teach at all on Saturday because like i said we had this talent show. We spent all day preparing this show. It
ended up going really good. We did a skit as missionaries that went
really well ha! Basically it was me as a brand new missionary that doesn't know anything and my comp is a loser. It went really good and we made a bunch of people laugh.
Sunday- Honestly Sunday was normal we got a new girl from the other Elders and turns out she was in a cita when i was in the intercambio with Esquivel. Other than that super normal.
that was my week nothing really interesting i do have a decent amount
of pics for you but nothing super interesting. I think thats about it...
I love you and will talk to you next week! Tell the twins i say Happy Birthday!
**Did you notice that this was a whole summary of what sounds like a pretty funny day but I guess you would have to be there. Elder Wadley is reverting back to "not giving enough info." A Sister with a broom microphone, and some weird body tricks? I don't get it. Jayden? I just love you.
The photos are fantastic though:
"Me and my comp ( Anderson still doesn't have a good face here! haha) | " |
"These are the sweet spoons we got to keep after we ate the yogurt" | |
"Elder Larroza with a turtle on his head" | |
The cast of the infamous talent show! |
Colombian Talent Show participant. I have no words. |
You may recognize this talent show cast member from Jayden's previous emails. "Cabeza de Puerco" as "LABAN!" haha |
And as per tradition, a dead thing. A bird of some sort. |
I asked about his skin disease. He said it is gone. Healthy and happy. Another good week.
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