This week I am posting late and from the iPad. Our family took a few days off and went to stay with my sister Hollie and her family in Hawaii. We fly standby and it was the first time we have flown since Jayden left. It was strange to be "Wadley, party of 6" instead of "Wadley, party of 7."
It was also strange to be in such a different time zone from Elder Wadley.
We went to church while we were here in Hawaii. The chapel decor was island- teals and lots of sisal rug looking textured fabrics. There were bright tropical fresh flowers. Very different from home, but it is always comforting to know that the gospel itself doesn't change with culture or zip code. It feels the same. We were right at home.
Jayden's email this week:
It was also strange to be in such a different time zone from Elder Wadley.
We went to church while we were here in Hawaii. The chapel decor was island- teals and lots of sisal rug looking textured fabrics. There were bright tropical fresh flowers. Very different from home, but it is always comforting to know that the gospel itself doesn't change with culture or zip code. It feels the same. We were right at home.
Jayden's email this week:
Well freak haha Hawaii sounds awesome and swimming sounds pretty good also!! I would freaking love that cliff jumping spot! Shaynes hair is awesome by the way ha i love it! Thats cool that you went to the Hawaiian ward that sounds like a lot of fun honestly! Overall glad that you had fun! Not a whole lot has happened here either they have just been normal days nothing crazy. Oh and to answer your questions like always.
1- I don't really need anything, American food is always good:) Maybe some cracked pepper seeds or something;)2- We haven't done any service projects or anything lately.3- Miracles, nothing really crazy. Mostly just little things in our area and with Spanish and everything like that.4- We have a couple news but we haven't taught them a lot. So far they seem really awesome!5-Spanish is still a pain but it is coming along little by little. Always working at it.6- I am good i really don't need anything, i found a couple of the Spanish ones in the house.Anyways i will tell you how my week went. Nothing crazy interesting this week.Monday- So we did our laundry in the morning and my machine totally didn't even work so i ended up mixing my freaking laundry with a stick. It totally sucked and took way longer to do than it normally would. After we went to the mall here because Elder Velasquez had to buy a couple things and we just kinda chilled there.
Tuesday- The ZLs went to Medellin early in the morning for the meeting they have every transfer. While they were there we ended up teaching one of their investigators because they are trying to get her ready for baptism, it was a pretty cool experience. Me and my comp are starting to get along really well now which is awesome! It really helps when you are teaching and really just in general when you get along.
Wednesday- Wednesday was complete crap haha. All of everything fell apart. Our citas fell and the movie night that we have every Wednesday went to crap also haha overall a terrible day. Then at night at about 10:20 the power went out, so we couldn't sleep. Because without the fans you were literally just laying in your own sweat. So we stayed up forever just talking and cracking jokes. The power finally came back at about 2 in the morning. Oh we were so tired.
Thursday- Just a normal day, nothing bad or cool happened.
Friday- So we had another intercambio, i went to the other area again with the same elder haha it is like the 4th time in a row going over there. Everything went good, we taught good lessons and had a good day. Turns out they had a movie night also this day so i got to watch another movie ha! When i got back home we got our zone jerseys. The ZLs made zone jerseys and they are pretty sweet!
Saturday- It was a normal day. With the transfers that were coming i got thinking a lot about this area and really about how much i like it and will miss it if i leave.
Sunday-Was really good weather, the rest of the week was hot and Sunday it rained. Other than that Sunday was normal. We got our transfers though and..... i am going to stay here with Anderson! I am honestly pretty excited! We have a lot of good things planned for this transfer!Yeah that was my week. Nothing crazy cool but some good stuff! Anyway hope you had a fantastic time in Hawaii!! I love you and i miss you! I will talk to you next week!
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"This is my in my zone jersey" |
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"Here is a random band that was playing in the street" From the e-mail Jayden sent to Mikayla "This house reminded me of minecraft and that reminds me of you!! It looks like upside down stairs." |
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