This week I am secretly happy to be getting everyone back into a routine, with school starting up again. This was an unexpected surprise gift of Jayden serving a mission. A mission trains these boys to have a healthy, daily routine. Something I tried for years to do- but was unsuccessful at my attempts to scrape Jayden's back off of the mattress before noon. Bless him.
This summer has been chaos, like always. Kids coming and going at all hours. I love it- I love the happy chaos, but I am looking forward to some order around here.
I love my Mondays.
Sunday evening, I sit by myself on the couch and re-cap our week for Jayden in an e-mail. It is a good time for me to reflect on what has been accomplished, and what I would like done the next week.
Then Monday comes, and my missionary e-mails start hitting the inbox. I am always amazed by the spiritual growth of my boy(s). He, or one of his friends serving (my other missionary boys) usually say some little thing that inspires me to try a little harder to be a little better.
It is a good way to start my week.
Who knew that sending a missionary out would help me find a routine too.
Here is Elder Wadley's e-mail this week:
"But with some I am not well pleased, for they will not open their mouths, but they hide the talent which I have given unto them, because of the fear of man. Wo unto such, for mine anger is kindled against them.")
This summer has been chaos, like always. Kids coming and going at all hours. I love it- I love the happy chaos, but I am looking forward to some order around here.
I love my Mondays.
Sunday evening, I sit by myself on the couch and re-cap our week for Jayden in an e-mail. It is a good time for me to reflect on what has been accomplished, and what I would like done the next week.
Then Monday comes, and my missionary e-mails start hitting the inbox. I am always amazed by the spiritual growth of my boy(s). He, or one of his friends serving (my other missionary boys) usually say some little thing that inspires me to try a little harder to be a little better.
It is a good way to start my week.
Who knew that sending a missionary out would help me find a routine too.
Here is Elder Wadley's e-mail this week:
Hey glad everybody made it home safe and you made all your flights. I think that was one of the weirdest parts about flying down here. Having an actual ticket is a totally different experience, a little bit less stressful but different. I was sitting there watching the cleared list for awhile haha! I love the scripture you found in D&C!(D&C 60:2
"But with some I am not well pleased, for they will not open their mouths, but they hide the talent which I have given unto them, because of the fear of man. Wo unto such, for mine anger is kindled against them.")
It's awesome!! I want to study D&C when i get the language down pretty fluent. The scriptures are really powerful though! A lot of the time i am scared, especially in the beginning, to open my mouth and speak but really if you at least try to share something with people the Lord really will help you.
That's crazy that school is starting up again!! It feels like it just ended! I am sure everybody kinda feels that way but man did that go by fast!! Good luck to everybody thats starting school haha!Oh and sorry about not sending any dead animals last week there were not any really good ones... Anyway this is what happened in my week:
Monday- We got all our regular stuff done pretty early so we actually had a lot of time to do stuff on Monday. We went to the Primera and saw some iguanas and monkeys. We also went to the mall here, the same one that we have been to the last like 6 weeks haha! There is not a whole lot to do here and the mall has air conditioning. We also went to McDonalds, also has AC haha! Basically for P-day we try to get out of the heat.
Tuesday- My buddy Elder Larroza left today and it sucks he is an awesome dude! He helped me quite a bit and is a great zone leader. We had a normal day teaching wise and everything. The other Elders were a little messed up until their comps got there on Wednesday.
Wednesday- So all the new comps got here today and we got Elder Aust! He is from good ol Spanish fork! We have four white dudes in our house haha its pretty fun so far, it has been good. One of my personal highlights of this day is when we went to Sixtos house to teach him. He told us he was working and has a friend that was asking him a bunch of questions about the church and Sixto had no idea what to do. He told us he didn't know a whole lot about the church and said he did the best he could to tell him about the church. One thing struck me though, that despite his lack of knowledge he could tell this guy that our church was true! I thought it was cool, really one of the best parts about being here is watching the people progress and their whole process of becoming a member.
Thursday- The only thing that happened on Thursday is it rained a little bit and a gay guy took a picture with us.
Friday-Friday was pretty normal also my comp spilled a bunch of juice and tutti frutti. While we were walking in the night this frog started jumping across the road and this kid ran up and kicked it so freaking hard it was crazy! That frog went flying!
Saturday- The zone leaders had a baptism! My comp and I went to set up the font and everything for their baptism and we were filling the font but the water always comes out pretty nasty at first so we had to drain it. Well you drain it by a pipe thing around back that you twist to open. My comp was trying to look in to see how it works and all his stuff fell out of his shirt pocket into this nasty hole and he had to fish it all out, while he was doing this he got his shirt super dirty. Other than that everything ran really smooth.We had probably one of the best lessons ever as a companionship on Saturday as well. Everything just flowed really well and we kept building off each other it was awesome!!
Sunday- This day was pretty normal. We taught Sixto about The Family Proclamation to the world and that thing is awesome! If you haven't read it in awhile you should because it is so cool!Anyway that was my week they go by so fast it is nuts!!!1- Don't need anything for right now:)2- I am healthy, had some zits this last week but thats about it haha! I am super happy!:) My and my comp get along pretty dang good!3-I am getting more comfortable with it but i still have a lot to learn.4- Nothing crazy huge but just little miracles with Spanish and with the people we are working with.5-I haven't eaten anything really weird this week, sorry.6- We have a couple new people we are working with a little bit of everything.7- The next transfers are in 5 weeks. So like the middle of September.Hope that answers everything. Let me know if you want to know anything else! I love you and miss you! Talk to you next week! Have a great week!!XOXO
Elder Wadley
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"Here is me and Elder Larroza." |
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"All of us at McDonalds." |
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