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Pre-mission pic, he didn't send any this week. |
It was no surprise when Elder Jayden left, Brendan staked claim on the bachelor pad the same night. He didn't so much move in, as take occupancy. We never really cleaned Jayden out of it. Brendan just piled his crap on top of the previous crap. It saved me from work, and tears so I let it roll.
When Elder Brendan left on his mission, I decided the place needed to be gutted. We moved the bed and found a lot of treasures. The previous tenants had boxed up their important things, and the residual junk was finally hauled out and trashed.
Shayne, our remaining son moved in.
Shayne is patient and a peacemaker and never wants to ruffle feathers.
He is also the tallest and biggest son.
He had been sleeping on a twin bed for a long time, that unbeknownst to us- had been entirely too small for his frame.
His first night on the king sized bed was heaven. He could finally stretch out fully, and not wake himself up when he tried to turn over.
Needless to say, he is not willing to give up the frat room when Jayden gets home in Februray. I don't think it is fair to him, since he will be going on a mission this September.
I ordered a new bed for Jayden, and we are fixing up Shayne's old room for him to return to. Musical beds here at the Wadley casa.
It is kind of exciting though, fixing up a place for JAYDEN! :) I feel like a nesting pregnant lady but without all of the water retention and bladder issues.
That being said, here is Elder Jayden's e-mail this week:
Well first off i want my old room back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)I caught him online for a little bit:
Well this week has been interesting! We were able to find a good group of new investigators and that are really good and can progress! I started thinking how much i was liking that area and how much i was looking forward to keep working with those people! And i got transferred.... I am in Medellín again. I am in a trio with Elder Guerber, the really tall kid from my group, and another Elder from Ecuador. It should be fun and a little interesting.Well we had a sad thing happen to us the other day. We having been trying to help this family in Cartago. The mom is a recent convert, the dad is a member basically his whole life (less active for awhile) , and they have 3 kids. The oldest is 17 and the other two are like 10 and 11. So we have been struggling to get them to be better in the church. They have a lot of problems and fight a lot and they don't have a lot of love between them. We have shared with them about families and stuff like that but they haven't done anything yet and it is really frustrating. We passed by the other day and ended up talking to the kids a little bit, the 17 and 11 year old. It was a normal conversation and then we started talking about their family prayers and stuff like that and they told us that they weren't doing them at all. So we talked about how much the church could help the family and all that. Well the little kid started tearing up and eventually cried. We all thought that it was because his older brother bugged him a little. He finally spoke and said "i wish our family could be like you guys always talk about." His older brother teared up a little bit and they started to tell us that it was yelling and fighting in the house and all sorts of stuff like that. It was really sad. It just goes to show how much we are blessed as a family when we live the gospel. Really there are four main things that we should do as a family. They even talked about them in conference, they are read, pray, go to church, and family home evening. I have seen many blessed families that have lived and done that and they have and are living very happy lives. I wanted to share that with you so you guys keep doing them or if not that you can start doing them because they are important!Well thats all i have for now!Love you!Elder Wadley
Medellin?? Oh that's kinda awesome. When did transfers happen? Are you close to the office again?
kinda close i guess. I got here this morning at about 2 or 3
You must be so tired from that bus ride from cartago. Any plans today besides bedtime at 7?
No nothing haha i dont know we are going to have to invent something!
Have you ridden the cable cars yet?
yeah i rode the ones in Manizales but in Medellín not yet!
I feel like when you get home there are going to be a lot of long talks about all the things you haven't written me about. :)
haha could be haha!
Hey but i was serious about my old room! :)
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