Last week, Elder Wadley sent a really short letter. I got the impression that he is somewhat discouraged being in the office day in and day out. He adores being so close to President Calderon and his family- but he has never been a big indoors kind of kid. His attitude about it is so awesome. He is really learning the whole "bloom where you are planted" thing. I told him he is finally adult-ing! Let's be honest- most of adult life is a series of completing tasks you didn't really want to do in the first place, and then repeating them over and over again. I am constantly amazed at the things he is learning on his mission. Things that will serve him throughout his life.
Here is his e-mail from last week, and this week's e-mail will follow.
Some back story- Brendan skipped out on the mandatory meeting the day before graduation because we kept Jayden's cap and gown for Brendan to wear so he didn't need to go pick one up at the meeting. Apparently in that meeting they strictly instructed all of the graduating kids to wear best dress underneath their gowns. Brendan showed up in a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and flip-flops. :/
Here is Elder Wadley's e-mail this week:
Ya'll. I got pictures too.
I got his e-mail when I was driving home and I almost ran off the road!
This next photo Elder Jayden sent is of "this public bathroom i found. I had to pee really bad one day and
they don't really have public bathrooms here but i found this really cool
one and i don't know if you can really see but i don't fit haha i had to
duck to get in and scrunch my shoulders haha!"
I love his companion in the mirror taking the picture, and really? What is this place! Why the bamboo curtain?
I am so proud of Elder Wadley. As his testimony and faith increases, the Lord is making him more capable of learning and teaching His gospel.
As a mom I don't think you can ask for anything more. He has surpassed my level for sure, and has become an example for me.
Isaiah? Really?
Here is his e-mail from last week, and this week's e-mail will follow.
I don't have a whole lot to say this week. I have been mainly in the office doing an Excel sheet for President. I have done this sheet about 600 times haha! Every time i would finish they would change something! Needless to say it has been pretty fun. Other than that i gave a talk on Sunday! I pulled out the whole "put flour in the scriptures and blow it off like it is dust" and i told everyone that the "dusty" scriptures were my comps haha! It went super good and everybody laughed! It was kinda fun!Also this week, i don't know if you remember Elder Mackinlay? He is the kid i replaced here in the office because he had to go home for surgery? Well he got his surgery and came back to the mission and was here for about 2 months and just went home yesterday for the same problem. Honestly really sad because he is a great dude and a good missionary. I will send you a pic of him. If you see him in the street give him a high five or something!
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Elder Flores, Elder McKinley (green shirt) and Jayden |
Well this week hasn't been a whole lot of interesting because i was mainly cooped up in the office doing that thing in Excel. Its done and looks good though! Well i love you guys!! Have a great week!
Elder WadleyThis week was a very busy one for us back at home. It was a huge Brendan week! He had seminary graduation, and then High School graduation. He has about 30 short days until he reports to the MTC to begin his mission. What a blessing for our family- to have two missionaries serving at the same time. Since Jayden knows what is in store for his brother, he is so excited and happy for him.
Some back story- Brendan skipped out on the mandatory meeting the day before graduation because we kept Jayden's cap and gown for Brendan to wear so he didn't need to go pick one up at the meeting. Apparently in that meeting they strictly instructed all of the graduating kids to wear best dress underneath their gowns. Brendan showed up in a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and flip-flops. :/
Here is Elder Wadley's e-mail this week:
Well hey congrats to Brendan! I am proud of you man! And i think that it is cool that you went in shorts and a shirt haha who gives a crap! I went in bright blue Nikes and a t shirt ahah! Its whateves! And wow we are down to 30 days that is absolutely crazy man! I am excited for you it and you will be super awesome!
Our week was pretty normal! We had some work to do in the office and we got out to teach as well. We have some people that are getting ready for baptism now which is awesome! We also had a cool ward activity that and i will send you some pictures a little bit later on.Basically it was like a Ward Family home evening. We had a short little message from a ward member and we also had a couple games and refreshments:) I will send you a dope photo of all the missionaries playing a game where we had to look for chocolate in a bowl of flour. Good times. Other than that i have been eating a lot of carrots and celery this week. Presidente called me a rabbit and gave me a couple hugs!I'm going to tell something kinda weird and cool that has happened to me this week. This whole week i have been studying in the chapters in the 2 Nephi that you have to compare to Isaiah. I have really been liking them and understanding a lot about them and i really want to study more from them which is super cool and weird! Really the promise that it has in 2 Nephi 25 is true that we will be able to understand what they are saying in these chapters.
2 Nephi 25
4 Wherefore, hearken, O my people, which are of the house of Israel, and give ear unto my words; for because the words of Isaiah are not plain unto you, nevertheless they are plain unto all those that are filled with the spirit of prophecy. But I give unto you a prophecy, according to the spirit which is in me; wherefore I shall prophesy according to the plainness which hath been with me from the time that I came out from Jerusalem with my father; for behold, my soul delighteth in plainness unto my people, that they may learn.
5 Yea, and my soul delighteth in the words of Isaiah...
Bless him. I still find the Isaiah chapters in the scriptures incredibly hard and almost as good as a sleeping pill. I usually skip them altogether or quickly skim them. I guess this is an obvious indication of where my spiritual level is at. Something to work on.Also my comp and i have set the goal to do cooler things on Pday and take more pictures. :)This email is all over the place but no worries.I dont have a whole lot more to say, The church is true and i love you guys!Elder Wadley
Ya'll. I got pictures too.
I got his e-mail when I was driving home and I almost ran off the road!
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After they dug their faces around in bowls of flour to find candy. Looks like only one Elder was successful. The rest just have paste-y boogers. |
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If you get a minute, click on the photo, it cracks me up how hard the audience is laughing. |
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Again here too- the kids are cracking UP. |
I love his companion in the mirror taking the picture, and really? What is this place! Why the bamboo curtain?
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Lunch in the office. <3 |
As a mom I don't think you can ask for anything more. He has surpassed my level for sure, and has become an example for me.
Isaiah? Really?
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