I didn't get an e-mail on Missionary Monday yesterday. I figured that they had something going on, or that maybe the whole country was shut down due to the Miss Universe debacle- Miss Colombia got HOSED, by the way.
Bright and early this morning I got Elder Wadley's e-mail, and eleven pictures and we chatted back and forth online via e-mail for a bit to nail down plans for his Christmas Skype call home. I get butterflies just thinking about it! I can't wait to see his face, hear his voice and his laugh.
Here is his e-mail this week:
Hey fam!! Sorry i am writing on Tuesday, we had a conference with our mission president yesterday so we are having our p-day today.
week we haven't been able to work really at all it has been kinda whack.
So we had cambios and my comp left and i got a new comp! Elder Apaza
and so far he is a really cool dude, really chill, its awesome! So i had
to wait for him to get here because Elder Pacaya left Tuesday morning and my new comp didn't get here until Wednesday
afternoon. While i was waiting i was with the zone leaders haha oh boy
was that fun! All day running errands! They have a crap ton of stuff to
Other than that we had practices and other stuff to do,
so we didn't get a whole lot of time to work. We had to prepare a dance
and and a couple other things for yesterday and well we had 3 days...
But our zone won! Haha with three days of practice we won haha!
and yesterday in the conference we went through a bunch of people
trying to guess who they were by their baby pictures ha and somehow
there was a picture of my with a Ninja Turtle outfit haha!
(Back story here. I was contacted a month or so ago by the Zone Leaders to send them some things: letters from the family for Jayden, a picture from when he was younger, and a funny story about him. This is the photo he is talking about above. I am so grateful for all that his mission leaders do for him. They really did a lot to make Christmas special for the missionaries. It makes my mom heart full. Knowing that this is his first Christmas away from home. All these efforts made by others make me worry less about him being lonely.)
this week hasn't been a whole lot interesting. Last week we went up to
the cathedral and it was so cool we were up so high! I have a lot of
pictures for you so hopefully you will be happy:)
Also i will be able to tell you a little bit more when we talk!!:)
Not a whole lot i will TALK to you guys later!
Love you!!!Elder Wadley
We get to talk to him sometime on Christmas Day. Who would have guessed that a simple phone call would be making my whole Christmas? Here are the photos that he sent this week, along with his words.
"I didn't know you could replace Baby Jesus with a cat?" (Santo Gato) (Saint Cat) | | |
Inside the Cathedral of Manizales |
Inside the Cathedral, looking down from the spiral staircase. |
The view of the city from the top of the cathedral. |
"Me with President Calderòn and his wife." | |
"Me and Elder Opheikens" |
His Christmas tree, and his packages! They made it! |
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