Elder Wadley has a younger brother, Brendan, that is a senior this year. Brendan has long hair. Jayden did too. This was one of the last photos that I took of Jayden with his long hair, and one of the last photos I took of Jayden with his skateboard, before he decided to make some changes in his life, and serve a mission.
Elder Wadley, a couple months pre-mission. |
Yesterday, before church, Brendan asked me if I would cut his hair after church. So it happened.
It is happening. Brendan has decided to begin the process of serving a mission too. Jayden deserves a large part of the credit for his brother's decision.
When a boy serves a mission, change and blessings come. Always with the people they serve and teach. Often with themselves. And sometimes with the friends and family they leave behind. I am grateful for Jayden's good example, and the positive influence he is having on his siblings from 3,300 miles away.
Future Elder Brendan Wadley |
Here is the e-mail from Elder Wadley this week:
What the heck haha! Dang Brendan's hair was long!!! His
haircut does look good though i will give him that!! Haha holy cow i
cant even believe it!! Bishop always joked around that he would know that I was finally serious about going on a mission and everything when i
cut my hair.
Oh and glad to hear about all your food in the fridge. We didn't eat anything on Thanksgiving and to be completely honest i
forgot about it haha! As for our fridge we have a little bit of juice
and some dried up crusty mayo packets hahaha! We haven't been eating that
much lately.
Oh and Christmas decorations haha i am going to
buy a tree maybe today. Other than that we don't have anything- and
without snow it doesn't really feel the same. But we are almost in
December i cant believe it!!
"Me and my very crappy umbrella." |
Anyways my week hasn't been that
interesting. We don't have a ton of people to work with right now so we
are basically looking for a bunch of new people to teach. We haven't had a
ton of luck so far but we are getting there.
Not quite sure how to approach these people? |
This week we had
the Assistants and the president come down and they checked our house
and stuff like that. We had interviews with the President and it went
awesome-the man is amazing!
We had a couple good lessons this
week. One with these less actives, two teenagers. The lesson went
awesome we prepared really well and everything flowed really well and
the spirit was strong it was awesome! Other than these few lessons the
week was pretty normal. Like i said we are looking for new people
1- How is the work going? Are you still frustrated? Who are you teaching? The work is rough right now because we don't have a lot of people to teach.
2- What did you do for thanksgiving? Nothing haha it was just another normal day.
3- What are your Christmas plans? Christmas.
Well we get to call you guys one of those days. Also i am pretty sure
we will have a big conference with the President. Other than that i am
not really sure.
4- Have you done anything interesting lately on pday? Touristy things or service? Last week we went up the mountain. Today we are going to go and explore centro a little bit.
5- How are your clothes/shoes holding up? Holding up like champs!! I still have a bunch of new crap that i don't know if i will really use, we will see.
6- Did you get your freaking thanksgiving package yet? No nothing yet haha one day! The assistants were going to bring them but something happened and they didn't get here.
7- What was the best thing that happened this week? Best
thing is while we were walking today we found a bunch of McDonalds
promotions so we are going to eat a lot today! Score! 2X1 McFlurrys
8- What was the worst thing that happened this week? Um We ran out of money a couple days early and had to walk a lot and didn't eat as much as we would like!
but everything is really good! A lot better this week! Oh i took a
little bit of money for a reserve fund we are supposed to have. Just so
you know. Don't have a ton to say this week.
Only thing i would
say is that i want to encourage everybody to read the Book of Mormon.
It is awesome i love reading it and there is a lot of stuff that you can
apply in your life it is awesome!
Anyways i love you guys and i will talk to you next week!!!
Elder Wadley
Closing side note. I have mailed him several packages that he hasn't received yet. One package was an entire Thanksgiving dinner. Another was full of Christmas decorations. Then his whole Christmas! The area he is serving in now is almost the furthest area away from the mission home where everything gets mailed. I sure hope he gets those packages soon! I am about ready to hop a plane, pick them up, and deliver them all to him! I guess whenever he gets them will still be a good day, but as a mom, it is killing me that he didn't eat anything on Thanksgiving, and his fridge is empty when ours is so stuffed with leftovers.
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