I often ask Jayden questions in my emails to him. Some get answered, and some don't- I think they get lost in the shuffle of my long, boring emails! I tried a new thing this week, and it worked. I asked him numbered questions. HAHA! Here is what I asked him:
1- how are you doing with your companion?
2- when are the next transfers?
3- how is the Spanish?
4- do you have any new investigators?
5- how is the new mission president? Has he changed anything?
6- how is your health?
7- did you open your birthday package?
8- any spiritual experiences this week?
His email this week is below. The first thing he did was answer the questions. :) I am going to have to remember this. Also- any other missionary mom's out there- the numbered questions get their attention! Who knew?
Sounds like a really boring week back home. Glad i am missing the whole
cleaning thing ha that sounds terrible. The weeks here go by so fast i
felt like i was just writing you yesterday. With that everything kinda
blends together. Nothing really crazy happened this week either. Just a
normal week. To answer all of your questions...
1- My and my comp are fine, we butt heads every once and awhile but we make the best of it.
2- The next transfer comes on the 12th of august, i think.
3- Spanish is getting better but still not perfect.
4- We have a new dude named Luis, he is super cool.
5- Haven't met him yet, we have conferences with him and his wife this week. He hasn't changed anything yet.
6- I feel great. My view on clean has changed a lot.
7- I opened my birthday package awhile ago, the Ding Dongs were amazing!
8- Nothing really major i begin to recognize smaller things every week but nothing crazy.
Mon- So this guy in our ward we call him Cabeza de Puerco, invited us to have lunch with him on Monday,
of course we said yes i mean it is free food. He fed us
turtle....Turtle is not very good, its not bad just not good. He gave me
two feet with the skin and toenails and everything, the whole time i
was eating it i could just imagine you barfing or at least dry heaving:)
It started to rain really hard so we just kinda chilled at his house
for awhile. We had our meeting that night and all our clothes were
drenched with water, so we went to the meeting with wet clothes and we
were super uncomfortable.
Tues- It rained again! It rained a
lot this week it was awesome! I slept with my sheet because i got a
little cold it was great. While we were at lunch there was a thunder crack that was so freaking loud i swear it was right outside the
door! It set of a couple car alarms and everything.
Wed- We
went to take out these pain in the butt marriage papers for one of our
investigators. We went there, paid for the papers and they told us to
come back in the next couple of days to actually get the papers. We have
all the papers now which is good but we need to go back again this next
week to get a marriage date.
Thurs- Me and Elder Anderson had our weekly planning
session and went really good. We finished and started talking about
some of the problems we have with each other and worked them out a little
bit. It helps a lot to talk things out, but to talk it out in a manner
that is respectful and where you're not yelling at each other. Also on Thursday
we didn't have any water in the house at night. I had showered that morning
and since it rained and everything throughout the day i didn't sweat hard,
so i didn't really need to take one at night.
Fri- We woke up
and went to the gym and there was a little bit of water because i washed
my face and brushed my teeth so we thought all was fine. We were wrong.
We came back to the house super sweaty after the gym and there was no
water. We studied in the house until lunch and came back after lunch and
there was still no water. So we went to work super gross and sweaty. I
felt so disgusting ha! When we came back from teaching in the
night....there was still no water.
Sat- When i woke up i went
to the bathroom and there was just enough water to shower, the pressure
was terrible but i got to
shower! Hey also you remember that journal i have had since i was
little, it has the picture of Jesus on it? I totally finished writing in
it! Filled the whole thing up! Anyways it rained really hard on Saturday
i will send you a picture of our flooded street. Whats funny though is
that i totally bought an umbrella like 30 minutes before it started
raining really hard! How freaking lucky is that!?
Sun- It was a normal Sunday.
You're hot and thirsty and you can't buy anything haha. Church and
everything went good though then we just had a normal teaching day.
i said the days blur by so if you want to know more specifics or
anything please let me know. I will try to find cooler stuff during the
week:) I took more pictures this week for you though! Let me know if you
need or want anything else!:) I love you!!:) I miss you lots!! XOXO
Elder Wadley
"I found the true reason for shirt pockets!" | |
"Cabeza de Puerco." (Jayden is a dork.) "Oh he is wearing my rain fly from my bag haha" |
"Here is our flooded street." |
"Here is me and Anderson eating street corn." (I promise his companion is a cute kid!) |
"A dead thing." I asked him if I needed to start a whole album called "Dead Things of Colombia." Every week he sends me this crap! |
Side note: I don't get much accomplished Monday mornings, unless it is computer work. I am too excited refreshing the computer until his email comes in. His emails and photos get me through the rest of the week.
Everyone told me Monday's would become my favorite day of the week- and they are.
Missionary Monday's are the best!
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