Two weeks, one post.
I missed posting last week. Jayden has transferred out of the mission office and is in Cartago. The closest large city is called Pereira. When I looked it up on the internet, it looked sort of close to the coast and high (humid) 90's for weather.
Elder Wadley celebrated his 20th birthday in Colombia this past week. These kinds of things are still hard on me. I thought about him all day long, and I hoped that he was having a good day. I think holidays are always going to be hard for me when my kids are gone.
Back home we have been attending a whole lot of homecomings for Jayden's friends. Everyone is starting to come home from their missions, and it is so nice to see these kids again after 18 months (the girls) and 2 years (the boys). It makes me anxious to see my cute boy again. Six months left. So crazy! All of his friends who have recently returned have been jealous that Jayden still has time left in his mission. They grow to love their people so much, and it becomes more painful to leave a mission than it was to leave home to serve one. These kids are amazing.
Here is Elder Wadley's email from last week, and then this week's will follow.
Well to be completely honest it is really weird to see everybody back at home.
Time goes by really fast.
but everybody looks really good! What a good group of handsome men haha!
It is going to be cool to see all of them again! Tell them that they
can't get married until i get back though! Tell them to keep writing me
every once in awhile!
Well my new area.
It is hot
haha! I sweat a lot and hopefully i am getting a little skinnier. It has
been hard here because we don't have anything. We had a baptism on Saturday but i didn't really know the guy. It was still pretty cool but
other than that guy we have no teaching pool so this week has been rough because i don't know the area and i got here a week late and we have just been
trying to find new people to teach and get to know the area and
The area is cool. The nearest big city is
Pereira. We have to take a bus from Pereira to here and it is like 45min
to an hour. The ward here is really small and there is a lot of work to
do here which is good we just need to get everything sorted out and
find people! It feels so good to just get out and be able to work again!
Even though it has been hard not having people i love the challenge and
i am enjoying every little bit of it!
Also cant believe i am going to be 20 this week haha i am old now i am not a teenager! Even though i still feel like i am 12.
Glad to hear everybody is healthy and happy!
I don't have a whole lot more to say so if you have any questions just let me know!
I will shoot you some pictures from this morning, we went and played soccer!
Love you!
Elder Wadley
Feliz Cumpleanos, Elder Wadley. 20 years old, no longer a teenager! | | |
"My comp, Elder Diaz is good he is kinda a niƱo haha he is just a young kid but he is awesome!" |
Here is Elder Wadley's email this week:
Well it still feels kinda weird seeing all my buddies back at home haha but it is cool! Tell everybody that i said hi!
week has gone a little bit better we have been able to work pretty well
and find some new people and we are slowly getting the area to where it
should be. There are a lot of problems here and a lot of work which is
good because it will keep is busy, and it will teach us a lot as well!
week we had a water problem. The missionary that were here before us didn't
pay the bill for the water and the bill for July never got here. We went
to the place to try and get our water hooked back up and they said they
would do it and it never happened. We didn't have water for two days!
Finally the owner of our house came over and ripped the thing where the
valve is open and turned on the water. We were all sorts of gross. Good
Other than that we have found a couple of new people
this week and have been working with a little bit of less actives as
well because there are a lot of them here. It was also my birthday this
week and my companions or roomies bought me a cake and another member
bought me one as well. We didn't really do anything special. The week has
been pretty normal kinda hot but good!
Well i don't have much else to say. I love you!
Elder Wadley
Elder Wadley and the sweet member family who brought him a birthday cake. <3 |
Elder Wadley "And a super awesome husky, puppy." |
This next photo could use some explanation. He sent it with the caption "Our first ever English class!" I sent an e-mail back to him to ask if he was teaching English now or something? He didn't respond back.
I got spoiled when he was assigned to work in the mission office. I
got to communicate back and forth a little via e-mail on his p-day. His
p-day's now do not include a lot of e-mail time, and so far very little
back and forth. I will just have to wait until next week to get a
One thing I have noticed with his friends who have
gotten home is how chatty they are about mission stories. None of this
is what they write home about. The general consensus is that these boys
don't care much for e-mail, it is "boring" and "tedious."
Jayden's crew. |
I guess in six months Elder Wadley will have a lot of stories for us all.
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