So this past week I sort-of lost my brain when Elder Wadley sent me a whole bunch of BOMB photos from his trip to
La Piedra Del Peñól. I immediately edited the photos and posted them into an album on Facebook, and realized today that I forgot to post his email and update on the blog. I was just a little excited, I guess.
When Jayden got his mission call and I started to google Medellin, Colombia,
La Piedra Del Peñól (Sometimes called Peñol de Guatapé or The Rock)
was one of the major attractions in his area. I was hoping he would be
able to visit it! It looks freaking awesome. You can
see the staircase zig-zagging along the crack of the rock.
740 knee-killing steps to
the top for breathtaking views of the beautiful Colombian landscape.
Photos will follow, here is his e-mail this week:
Well just as a heads up i am still in the office haha! What happens is
that when your replacement comes in the office you have to train him on
how to do his job so i have been here all week long training my
replacement on how to do some stuff. So this is my last official day in
the office. Tomorrow i will be heading to Pereira to my new area. It is
going to be really different but i am excited for it!
So today was
my last Pday in the office and we went to the big rock! It is huge!
I will shoot you some pictures in a second.
Not a whole lot
has happened this week. It was transfer week so a bunch of new people
came and some other missionaries finished their mission. Actually do you
remember Elder Bigelow? My trainer? He finished the mission this week.
How crazy time flies!
This week i have learned a lot about
stress! I have been super stressed out this week because i really
want my replacement (Elder Canavese, from Uruguay) to do good here in the office so i have been trying to show
him everything so he can kinda figure everything out and so he isn't
lost like i was when i got here. We have had a lot of things to do
and i have been stressed and it has made me super tired haha! But all is
well now and we were able to do just about everything!
Other than that this week has been pretty normal!
Like i said i will shoot you some pics in just a second!
Love you guys!
Elder Wadley
From the top of The Rock: L to R: Elder Velazquez, Elder Oliveira, Elder Larroza, Elder Covarrubias, Elder Wadley, Elder Canavese, Elder Robledo, Elder Flores
The countryside from the bus window heading out to La Piedra Del Peñól |
Eating breakfast at a little roadside cafe. |
First view of The Rock |
La Piedra Del Peñól, Colombia |
They look so happy that I can only assume this was before the 740 stair climb. |
View from the top- you can see cars in the parking lot for reference. |
Beautiful views of Colombia |
My favorite view of Colombia. :) |
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