This week was a milestone for me!
It was the first time I have received a random picture of Jayden serving. One of the girls I taught long ago in Young Women's served a mission in Panama. She Facebook messaged me. Her friend happens to be in Elder Wadley's current ward. When he found out that Jayden was from Lehi, he sent this photo to her. Sometimes the world is a very small place.
Two cute faces! (I told my young woman she needed to date this friend of hers!) |
Valeria told me that her mom, her cute grandma, and the woman who is hired to clean the office, all took a trip to the house that Jayden and five other missionaries live in to clean it. Yeah. So remember last week when Jayden wrote and testified that a "clean house is easier to feel the spirit in?" Well, he wasn't the one that did the cleaning! It sounded too good to be true to me! How embarrassing.
In the missionaries house- it is nicer than my kitchen! |
While these ladies were cleaning, they found a lost set of sombreros that they take to the airport to pick up new missionaries. They use the sombreros as props for arrival photos. The sombreros have been gone for a while, and they thought maybe someone had taken them.
Valeria said they found them in the missionaries house, stuffed up the chimney?
What is going on in that house?
It sounds like a frat party!
With that little bit of background- here is Elder Wadley's e-mail this week:
Well lets get one thing right first off haha the sombreros were under
the stairs and we had speakers in the chimney haha! Either way hah they
were there and we had no idea.
This week has been decent, we have
actually had a lot of things to do and it has been a little bit
frustrating but also really good. I haven't been able to get everything i
wanted done but little by little i am getting there. I think God wants
me to learn something because it seems like when i am slowly getting
caught up i get more crap dumped on me, needless to say it has been
pretty fun:)
Glad to hear you are still keeping to contact
with Valeria, Presidente says to give you guys a big and personal thank
you for all you have done for her!
Well this week honestly
went by super fast and it was really busy. We were doing stuff all day. We were able to have at least one or two appointments
every day which has been nice. I have realized how much i really do
like visiting people. Sometimes it is hard, because you tell yourself
that it is easy to just sit in the office and do some stuff here but it
is so important to get out and teach.
Oh and i like that you
are starting your scripture studies with a prayer and everything because well
thats what we do as well and it helps so much. I have a terrible memory
and i always start with a prayer and it helps me to remember what i have learned later on.
Also something that i have and we use is a study journal. There is a
part in Preach My Gospel that says " Studying is an act of faith" and we
are going to receive personal revelation during that time and it is
important that we write all of it down so we can also go back and look
it over, especially if we have bad memories;) Just something to maybe
make your study a little bit better.
Today we played soccer in
the morning with President and his son and then had a lunch with them
and it was really cool. That's probably the best part about being here is
that we get to know the President and his family. We even helped him
wash his dog haha! I did take some pics of today so you will be getting
Oh and this week i am going to try a little bit more
better about weekly emails and all that good stuff, because i have
realized that i haven't been the best so i will give you a better recap
from now on, i promise.
I love you guys! Have a great week!
Elder Wadley
True to his word- there are pictures!
Washing the mission president's dog |
Jayden, and the boys he shares the house with. I don't know names. Jayden? |
My favorite thing about my new friendship with Valeria and her mom, is that now I get bonus photos and insight on my boy from another perspective.
I got these photos from Sister Calderon through Valeria. :)
The boys during lunch. |
Looks like Jayden took over the hammock. |
These next photos were my favorite. Selfies! The other side of which I haven't gotten- haha!
Here is another funny thing I noticed with the pictures he sent me. The one of him and the dog- he is in causal clothes- I have never seen that shirt, but the socks. The socks were ones that I sent him FOR HALLOWEEN. In October.
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