I've been thinking all week about how Elder Wadley has been frustrated and discouraged trying to find ways to motivate people in his area who are already members of the church to help facilitate missionary work. It is a much easier task for the missionaries to teach someone the gospel if they already feel comfortable- knowing someone who is a member, and being at least familiar with the teachings.
I thought about what kind of a member I am. Am I an example of what I believe? Do I embrace opportunities to share what I believe with my friends and neighbors? I fall short in many ways. I think one of the best ways I can help my missionary in Colombia, is by doing my part here.
I ran across this quote while I was scrolling Pinterest, and I was inspired to pray to be aware of those around me that may be in need.
(I also shared it on social media, so I am sorry if I am hitting you with it everywhere, but it really works!) I feel like I am a pretty approachable person, and I am willing to help people out whenever. But when I
prayed for opportunities to serve- people came out of the woodwork. I wonder then, if these opportunities have always been there, and I have been too wrapped up in my own problems that I have not noticed?
I think this is the first step to missionary work.
Being aware. It doesn't take a religious scholar with an extensive knowledge of doctrine to be a disciple of Christ. It takes someone who is willing to serve and love as He did. I am trying to be better at this. And the crazy thing- is that when you serve, you are blessed, and it feels really great- so it is always a win/win.
Here is Elder Wadley's email this week:
Hey mom! Sorry we are writing late today we went and did something in the
morning. We went with some local kids to a mountain a little ways
away it was pretty sick! I haven't been able to send pictures because i
forgot my cord to send them. I have a few this week though!
week has been alright, I was a little discouraged this last week and
nervous for this week but i absolutely love the quote you sent me from
Richard G Scott it fits in perfectly! Thank you for that!
(The quote: "Just when all seems to be going right, challenges often come in multiple
doses applied simultaneously. When those trials are not consequences of
your disobedience, they are evidence that the Lord feels you are
prepared to grow more.
He therefore gives you experiences that stimulate growth,
understanding, and compassion which polish you for your everlasting
benefit." [Richard G. Scott, "Trust in the Lord" October 1995 General Conference])
week was pretty normal nothing really gnarly happened. We had a couple
pretty cool things happen. We had a talent show here in the branch and
it was pretty sweet. When we got there they didn't have any power haha
they finally got this sketchy generator running and thats what we ran
the power off of. So sometimes it cut out and the talent show was a mix
of light and phone flashlights haa! We got to participate in the talent
show of course, we didn't prepare anything as missionaries but were in a
couple acts.
Also we had two pretty cool lessons this week.
One is because it was raining really hard and they have a loud roof so
we basically yelled at them. If not they could hear us ha!
other cool lesson is we were teaching a lady and she was giving us
food. She gave us hot chocolate kinda, and she said that she was going
to drink coffee and right there on the spot we taught Word of Wisdom and
she ended up not drinking it and we took the rest of her coffee with
us! It was super that she just gave it all up right there.
like i said we went up in the mountains. It was awesome we just walked
up and took pictures! It was beautiful! We had lunch in a little house
up there, this really nice lady made a delicious lunch and we just
chilled there for awhile! I will send pictures!
Lunch break in the mountains of Manizales |
Manizales, Colombia |
Other than
that the week was pretty normal. Like i said last week i was a little
down in the dumps ha and i was reading about faith when i found this
scripture in Ether 12:6
6 And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.
made me think a lot (and now especially with your quote) that we have
trials in our lives for a reason. Not only so we can grow as people but
to test our faith. Like it says here we have to have these trials in
order to increase our faith.
Other than that i don't have a whole lot to say!
I love you guys!! Have a great week! The church is true!
Elder Wadley