Today I had to pinch hit for the family business. So as I was cooking breakfast for an early morning bowling league, my phone buzzed with Jayden's email! I was able to send him back a selfie of me working the grill. Maybe that will help him appreciate the life that he has temporarily left behind. HA! Here is the email from Elder Wadley this week. My own commentary is in blue. This week warranted some commentary.
Well, i don't even know what to say about you working at the alley
haha never in a million years did i think that this would happen haha!
How was your first and maybe last day at the alley?
Hahah no i
think it is cool that you want to help out!! Oh and thats cool that
Shays kids got baptized! Holy cow i had no idea they were that old
honestly haha! Cool though!
My week has been really interesting- pretty good this week, not going to lie:)
we went to the mall here, just like Monterìa but this mall was way
cooler and a ton bigger! It was a pretty normal Pday honestly. In the
zone meeting an older couple came in and talked about family history
work and they want us to fill out a couple pamphlets that we have here
so if you could send me some stories and pictures of our family and
grandparent and great grandparents and stuff like that would be awesome
So Tuesday
was a really weird day haha we had a pretty normal day until about 2 in
the afternoon where we got a phone call that said one of the people in
our branch had died and the funeral service was going on in like half an
hour. We wanted to go and show support for the family, the only problem
is that it was at a Catholic church ( it was a less active family ). We
stood outside waiting for a member to show up to go in with us. At this
moment my comp and i felt really weird and out of place... When the member showed up we went in and i can't even really describe the experience we had there. It was terrible! We felt really uncomfortable
and out of place. I talked to my comp and we could both feel a darkness
inside of us that was pushing the spirit out of our bodies. Oh it was
terrible! We left as quick as we could. We called the Assistant and asked
him if we should go to the cemetery and all that as well and he said we shouldn't. So we left and we felt weird for the whole rest of the day, it was
so bad. I can testify that our church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is the true church here on the earth and
that nothing else even comes close to it!! Never in my life am i going
to forget that!
Tuesday was pretty normal- nothing interesting really happened..
Wednesday, the other eventful day of the week haha! Well we were walking to a
cita and when we turned the corner of the street we were going to take
we heard a big old pop! We looked over and there was a guy yelling and
limping around and not too soon after a guy came down yelling as well- but
this guy was holding a big old pistol in his hand! Turns out the loud
pop was a gunshot, he shot the other dude in the leg! Needless to say we
took a different route haha. We were about 25ft from all this crap as
well hah! Pretty nuts ha! (ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!!)
The rest of the week went pretty
normal ha just lessons and missionary stuff. It has been raining a
little bit here and there which has been really nice! I get to use my
rain dress oh uh i mean rain coat haha! Remember how i didn't try on the
raincoat before i left?? Yeah it is pretty big haha! (It looks fine to me.)
Anyways that was my week haha! A pretty good one if you ask me! (NO! Not a good week, you idiot!)
Now to answer your questions;)
1-What is the best thing that you have eaten on your mission so far?I have eaten some really good Areapas! (From Wikipedia: Arepa is a flatbread made of ground maize dough or cooked flour prominent in the cuisine of Colombia and Venezuela.
It is eaten daily in those countries and can be served with various
accompaniments such as cheese (cuajada), avocado, or (especially in
Venezuela) split and used to make sandwiches. Various sizes, maize
types, and added ingredients are used to vary its preparation. It is
similar in shape to the Mexican gordita.)
2-Have you embarrassed yourself with the language or customs?Heck yeah! Basically everyday haha!
3- Christmas is coming. Do you need new shirts, garments, pants, etc? I am good on everything! Some snow would be nice!
4-Have you gained weight or outgrown anything?I have lost what little muscle i had and gained a little bit of fat haha! My Pday pants and suit pants are a little tight:)
5-What is your favorite thing to teach people about? My favorite thing to teach is probably about Joseph Smith or the Word of Wisdom!
Anyway Mom this is all i have this week! I love you! I hope you have a fantastic week (at the alley;)) (No.)
Elder Wadley
"Me in my Rain Dress." |
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