A busy boring week here, and a busy, boring week in Colombia. (Just how this mama likes it!) I got a few interesting photos though. Elder Wadley's email explains them a bit.
This boy has officially five months left in Colombia. Or 150 days. :)
It has been simultaneously the longest and shortest two years of my life, and probably his too.
Here is his short update (in response to my short e-mail to him) for the week:
Its kinda
funny to see that both of our emails kinda suck. They are just short and
give a brief recap of what happened ha! Well at least we are on the
same page!
Well this week wasn't a whole lot of interesting we
found a really good new investigator and she is understanding
everything and progressing really well. The only problem is that she doesn't really like it here in Cartago and might be going back to her
house and it is about 3 hours away in a small town where there aren't missionaries or a church:(
I had an intercambio (or exchange, where they trade companions for the day to switch it up) with the
zone leaders this last couple days and it went pretty good. The picture
i sent to you is while we were in the intercambio we walked by this
place that had a ton of nasty spiders! Then these people took us in
the back of their like moving truck and that is why the picture is blurry. Also
found this lady in the street and this is what her bag said!! Haha!
than that nothing really interesting has happened! My comp is doing
good and learning quite a bit! I am also learning and growing everyday!
I will let you know if there is anything else that happened!
Love you!
Elder Wadley
Sometimes translation gets lost. |
My boy just hops into the back of a random van. Isn't this how people get kidnapped?
Elder Wadley, Elder Flores |
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