This week gave me a little panic moment.
Missionary Monday came around. I usually start doing my housework, and see how much crap I can get done before my phone chimes to let me know that Elder Wadley's e-mail came through.
I am usually loading laundry, and it gives me the perfect excuse to sit down and read his e-mail with a treat or something.
(I get that my life is totally lame.)
Anyway- Monday came, and I kept doing chores and pretty soon I ran out of chores, and still no e-mail.
I did the math, and it was like 9:00 pm in Colombia, and I figured at that point that I wasn't getting an e-mail, BUT WHY?
You recall last time the e-mail didn't come it was because his whole area was on lock-down because the city was overtaken by guerrilla rebels.
So I did what any concerned mother would do- I searched the internet for news from Colombia, and I posted in the Facebook group page.
Nothing in the news. That was good.
Another mom came through for me on the Facebook page, and said that the missionaries had a zone conference. None of the other moms got e-mails either.
So I slept that night.
In a very clean house, might I add.
The next day Elder Wadley was able to e-mail!
Happy day!
Here is his e-mail:
I miss going camping. Well i mean sometimes it feels like we are camping
because sometimes we don't have water or anything like that for a while but
its not the same kind of environment.
This last week has been pretty
interesting. I have been having a couple really cool experiences in my
personal study and have been getting a lot of answers to prayers and
questions that i have had for the last little bit. I can testify that God
knows exactly what we need and in the moment that we need it! Also
yesterday we traveled to Medellín for a conference with Elder Clayton.
He is the president of the quorum of the seventies. He was really nice and his wife was
really loving!
We left Sunday night at about 12:45 at night and got to Medellín at about 5ish! We had the conference and came back the same Monday,
thats why i am writing today. We left Medellín at 5 and got back to our
house at about 11:45 at night. We were really exhausted! Everybody was
dying on that bus as well. It was the worst bus ride i have been on in
my whole mission! Everybody was basically puking. It reminded me of
the road to Hana drive we took in Hawaii haha!
We all got back in one piece though!
that nothing really interesting has happened this week! I got to see all
of my friends from the office which was nice! I miss them a lot!
to hear that you had a fun time camping! I don't really have a whole lot
to say i will see if i have any pictures i can shoot you!
Love you lots!
Elder Wadley
I did not get photos. And I wrote and asked him a couple of questions while I thought he was still online. He did not answer. I suspect his e-mail time is limited in this area. That's okay. I know he is working hard, doing what he is supposed to be doing.
And- I did a little math- I get to see him in 190 days!
That sure is better than the 730 days we started out with.
Elder Anderson, Elder Wadley |