When Jayden first left for Colombia, part of my "missing" him was worry. I worried that he would be lonely- off on his own, in a foreign country, not fully able to speak the language, and no one to talk to. I pictured him crying himself to sleep into his pillow. Why? Because MOMS ARE FREAKS! Most of our worry comes largely from made-up scenarios in our head that (thankfully) never even happen. But, I was/am so relieved to see him adjust, and even thrive. I am also grateful that his first two companions were gringos. While he was struggling to learn the language, he had two good-natured American boys to help him along. I will always be grateful to Elder Bigelow and Elder Anderson for their patience with my boy.
Elder Wadley's first transfer happens this week.
"I am going to Manizales!
Apparently it is at the other end of the mission:) And colder:):)"
He is also getting a Latin companion, and he is excited about it. He is excited about it because it will help him improve his Spanish. I am constantly amazed by his attitude.
Here is his e-mail this week:
good to hear that life is still boring as poo back home!
Hey i have good news! We had a decently eventful week and i got a lot of pictures!!
first off we had a zone meeting this last week so everybody was at our
house and thats always a good time! And to make you happy one of the
Elders in the zone saw the picture that you gave me ( the black and
white one that was in your letter) and he thought you were my sister!
Just in case you thought you were old;)
Oh so on Wednesday
we had our regular Noche de Cine and the bishop put on Avengers 2, but
it was too long and we are not really supposed to watch movies like that
here so we had our own missionary movie night. We set up a little DVD
player and watched a church movie it was pretty fun!
Thursday my comp got pretty sick and was basically dying, he is fine now. We had Sixto's wedding on Thursday!
It was pretty weird but really cool at the same time! We went to a
government building and talked to a lady for awhile and they got
married. The members then made a little reception thing at the church
after they got done and it was really cool!
we went and got Sixto's baptism paper filled out and he was in his
backyard plucking dead chickens it was pretty cool! Oh and just for you
ha there has been a big ol rat that has been chilling in our shower
lately. We put up mosquito netting in these holes in the bathroom and he
just chills in the netting.
we had our baptism! Sixto got baptized! The whole meeting and
everything was terrible but all is good now and he is a member! And on Sunday
Elder Gabbitas left for Medellin for his last week with the president
and everything! He finished the mission. So all the members were taking
pictures and saying their goodbyes, kinda sad but it was cool at the
same time.
So we got all our cambios yesterday and on Tuesday
i am going to a different area with my first Latino comp! I am pretty
excited! I hope that my Spanish can improve a lot this next transfer!
Anyways thats about my week!:)
1- (Did you find out any contact information for Elder Welling's mom? Welling? (The airport kid) I have talked to welling a couple times, if you want i can get his moms info.
2- (Any miracles this week?) The marriage, we had to do a lot of crap for this marriage haha! Also there was other crap that went down before it.
3- (I am assuming you got transferred. Boy. That's a lot of change. I would
like to hear all about that. About the area and your comp and your new
apartment. All of that!) yes
4- (Do you feel confident with your Spanish yet?) Decently confident, this transfer will be good and hard.
5- (Chile had a huge earthquake this past week. Did you guys get affected?
Hollie had to prepare for evacuation from the tsunami following it. :/
It never hit Hawaii. I think cause Nate is there. Lol.) No we all good!
6- (Have you had any issues with bugs there? Bed bugs or anything?)No not really:)
7- (Are the kids there cute? Do they wear uniforms to school?) They are just normal looking kids just really tan. They all wear uniforms to school.
8- (Have you seen any cool cemeteries?) Just the one we went to awhile ago.
Anyways i hope you have a fantastic week! I love you guys and i will talk to you later! XOXO
Elder Wadley
Sixto's Baptism! |
Sixto and his wife and son, Wedding Day |
The ward Wedding reception for Sixto and his family. |
The day before his baptism, Sixto out plucking chickens. |
Dead chicken. Oh Jayden. :/ |
His most disgusting photo yet. The RAT that hangs out in their shower. I would be out the door and on a flight home w/o even stopping to write a note. |
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