It was a good week this week. Elder Wadley has been busy teaching- and he has learned to re-cap his week for his mom!
He also sent this photo of a funeral procession on foot.
And another photo of a dead cat. What is with boys? If it's not poop, it is dead things.
He has informed me that the next transfer will be a big one, and if I am sending packages, that if it doesn't get sent soon- it will be another 8 weeks before he will be able to pick it up from the mission office. It is so weird to be working this far ahead. I am getting his birthday package sent tomorrow to try and make the transfer deadline. His birthday isn't until the end of July. The thing about the packages though- he doesn't seem to care. It is just me. It is hard to be a mom this far away.
We made our regular meal for Memorial Day- a pasta salad, marinated chicken and a jello/cool whip salad. It was always Jayden's favorite. Especially the pasta salad. After I made it- every one of the kids had to remind me that "Oh mom, that is Jayden's favorite." I heard it five times. I already knew. It feels weird to be eating his favorite things. Truth be told- we will probably have a lot of leftovers. Between Jayden not having his share- and none of his friends dropping in for a plate. Change is the sucks sometimes.
But- I am proud of my boy. I wouldn't want him anywhere else. I love to hear his stories and see his smile. And I notice things in his e-mails "We had family Lopez there and this family is so cool!" It was not the Lopez family, it was family Lopez. It looks like his Spanish is coming along. In Spanish, the adjective follows the noun. I hope he continues to pick up the language. Everything will change for him when he is confident in communicating.
Then maybe he will look for people, instead of dead cats. :/
Well it is kinda weird growing up isn't it! It felt like a mission was always so far away and now i am on one it is crazy to think about! Its weird but super cool!
So this last week we did go paintballing and it was pretty fun! We went to this ghetto little place in the middle of nowhere it took us forever to get a taxi out of there! We also got transfers this week and got a couple new kids! We got Elder Gabbitas as our new zone leader! He is the only guy here in the mission from England! He is a rad dude and the whole atmosphere has changed now that he is here, for the good! Also Bigelow is the new District leader which is pretty cool!
Tuesday is when all the new people got to the District and everybody else left early that morning. Other than that we had a really normal day. We taught our investigators and we even had a lesson with members, which here is kinda hard to do because the members don't like to do a whole lot. After our first meeting with them they told us they were going to visit Aide which was totally awesome we didn't even have to ask them!!
The next day was pretty rough none and i mean none of our meetings with our investigators happened. They all were gone and it really sucked. So me and my comp took a little bit of a break and got some good treats from the bakery and just chilled for a minute. We eventually got to talk to somebody though ha! We went back home and I noticed that Elder Gabbitas has super powers! He doesn't sweat here! How freaking lucky is that! Like he doesn't sweat at all! I sweat like a pig!
Thursday was almost the same a lot of our meetings fell again, but we did talk to some of our investigators. We also got a couple of news! One is a security guard of the Glorias her name is Eddy. We talked with her the next day and had a lot of questions which i think is awesome! We also started talking with another family, the Puerta family they are a family from Medellin and are cool. Their kids are always in Aides house.
A carpet sample? He misses carpet. HAHA!Saturday was a really great day! I started out the day kinda out of it. Me and my comp pulled out the Adjusting to Missionary Life book and went through it together and talked it out a little bit. Honestly it really helps to talk out stuff with your companion even if you don't want to it really does help! After my comp had to meet with the zone leaders for a little conference thing and they talked about what he should do as a district leader and all that. Once they got done we all went to lunch at the centro because we didn't have lunch with a member that day. We ate at this little restaurant and was good they had a really good juice, Nispera juice. Super good! After Elder Gabbitas bought us all Oreo shakes. While we were sitting and eating our shakes there was this Iguana hanging from a little tree branch and we were all wondering what it was doing. All of the sudden it just drops like a solid 4-5 feet to the ground makes a big ol thud and runs away! We pretty much all spat Oreo shakes everywhere! It was pretty funny! After this we went to a baptism that the Hermanas had and we invited Aide. She came and we put another date with her for the 13th of June! I think seeing what goes on at a baptism made her less scared to be baptized.
A pretty flowering tree that smells amazing. So on Sunday we had 10 investigators at church!! 10! It was awesome also a little bit crazy but super awesome! We had family Lopez there and this family is so cool! They seem so eager to learn and they love when we come over! They even asked for a Gospel Principles book after one day of coming to church! They made us food on Sunday and make us juice whenever we come over! So we had them come to church and Aide and one other guy! It was awesome to see all of them there! Aide got there a little bit after we started the sacrament and she seemed upset about it. So either she understands the importance of the sacrament or she was mad she had to sit in the sun for a little bit longer. So if everything goes well we should have a good amount of baptisms pretty soon!Yeah this was my week it was a pretty good one we had lots of fun and had a good amount of lessons and everything! All around a great week! I am glad to hear that your week has been going good! Anyways i love you guys and hope this next week is amazing! Love you and miss you tons!Elder WadleyOh mom for future packages if you send any can you slip like a small pack of AA batteries in there for me, batteries are super expensive down here. Also a carpet sample? Not saying i need a package just next time you do send one just maybe slip these in Thanks! I love you Mom!
He also sent this photo of a funeral procession on foot.
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"Death parade, they have a big walking thing when people die." |
He has informed me that the next transfer will be a big one, and if I am sending packages, that if it doesn't get sent soon- it will be another 8 weeks before he will be able to pick it up from the mission office. It is so weird to be working this far ahead. I am getting his birthday package sent tomorrow to try and make the transfer deadline. His birthday isn't until the end of July. The thing about the packages though- he doesn't seem to care. It is just me. It is hard to be a mom this far away.
We made our regular meal for Memorial Day- a pasta salad, marinated chicken and a jello/cool whip salad. It was always Jayden's favorite. Especially the pasta salad. After I made it- every one of the kids had to remind me that "Oh mom, that is Jayden's favorite." I heard it five times. I already knew. It feels weird to be eating his favorite things. Truth be told- we will probably have a lot of leftovers. Between Jayden not having his share- and none of his friends dropping in for a plate. Change is the sucks sometimes.
But- I am proud of my boy. I wouldn't want him anywhere else. I love to hear his stories and see his smile. And I notice things in his e-mails "We had family Lopez there and this family is so cool!" It was not the Lopez family, it was family Lopez. It looks like his Spanish is coming along. In Spanish, the adjective follows the noun. I hope he continues to pick up the language. Everything will change for him when he is confident in communicating.
Then maybe he will look for people, instead of dead cats. :/