For the past five months Elder Wadley has been serving in the mission office. He has loved being so close to President Calderon and Sister Calderon, and the other office Elders. He has learned a lot and dare I say, he has been spoiled by a very comfortable routine of being fed and pampered.
Like many things in life, it seems like once you get comfortable, change comes.
Sure enough, Elder Wadley should be in the process of transferring even as I type.
I was not sure if his new p-day would begin this Monday or next, but I do know that he is headed to Pereira to be companions with Elder Diaz from Argentina.
I look forward to hearing about his adventures in this part of Colombia. And I think both he and I are looking forward to him getting back out into the field and sharing the gospel.
I will say this about his time in the office. The Lord always knows what is best, not just short term, but long term in our lives- and what skills we need to learn to bring us the ultimate happiness. I wonder then, if Jayden learned all of these office skills because we have a family owned business, and we are going to need his help in that regard when he returns home.
Just thoughts.
Here is Elder Wadley's e-mail this week:
Well so transfers are coming up this next week and i am officially
leaving the office! It has been a good last couple of months but i am
getting out of here. So life is going to be a little bit different. It
should be cool though i am excited and nervous at the same time. I am
going to have a lot of new and fun opportunities and i am excited. I am
going to miss being here in the office though it has been fun with all
of these guys and being with President and everything.
Also i don't
know if i ever said anything or mentioned Elder Allen but he went home
this week for health reasons. It was super sad to see him go. We were
good friends here in the office and he is a really awesome guy! He
taught and helped me so much and it was a real bummer to see him go. If
you ever see him around give him a hug!
Other than that we haven't had much else go on here. We have had a couple good lessons. We
had a good one last night about faith and how everything starts with
faith. It went super well.
Oh and happy fourth of July haha! We didn't really do anything to celebrate. I mean we ate a burger but nothing else.
week we were preparing something for President because they completed
one year in the mission so we did a video and stuff like that. We went
to their house on Sunday while they were out walking their dog and
decorated their house and surprised them with a bunch of gifts and stuff
like that! It was super cool. The only problem is we split up at night
to go home because President has two cars. We went with President in his
big Ford and the other Elders went with Diego (Presidents son) in the
other car, and they got in a wreck. The car got busted up but everyone
is fine but we were out waiting for the police and all that. It was
kinda nuts. Needless to say it has been an interesting week.
Other than those things not much has happened. I will shoot you some pictures here in just a sec.
Have a great week!
Love you!
Elder Wadley
Elder Wadley and Elder Flores (?) directing traffic. You can see the poor little skate of a car that rear ended them. | |
Behold: the munched car. |
Elder Allen, Elder Wadley (wearing a cardigan like Mr. Rogers! I love it.) |
At President and Sister Calderon's home for their one year celebration. Elder Wadley is the tallest Elder on the right.