Saturday, February 13, 2016

Elder Wadley, Office Elder and Priesthood Blessings

After the quick transfer last week, I shared the group photo from Jayden's email to our Medellin missionary mom Facebook group. We are all kinda desperate to see our boys, so it is an unwritten rule that when you get a group photo, you post it!
I got this message from Elder Dawson's mom:
I asked my son about the picture you posted and this is what he said: "Wadley is Bigelow's other son and he came to the our zone to finish my friend Robison's training! Super hype! So since Wadley is my brother then Robison, my bff from the MTC, is my nephew lol. So we took a family picture. But then Mckinley, the secretary of registros, got sent home, he's from Mesa. And Wadley was sent to the office. And Robison was sent to a different zone so now the family is dead and we're sad"
Aha! I had Elder Wadley verify that he is assigned to the mission office now. Here is his e-mail from this week:

Well yeah i am in the office. Its really cool but its a lot of work. I am learning a lot though which is another really cool part about being here.
Anyways my week wasn't a whole lot of interesting. i am still kinda learning how to do everything so its kinda a pain in the butt but i am getting there. :) We don't get to go out and teach a whole lot which is kinda a bummer.
Sent to Mikayla, in honor of their mutual love for Ramen's.
I did have a cool experience this week when i went out teaching. I went out with Elder Opheikens and we went to this girls house and we were actually looking for another less active that lived there and we ended up talking with her and she asked us for a blessing. She then ended up telling us that she had needed a blessing for a long time but was just too scared to ask and told us that when we came to her house it was a answer to her prayers and that God really does know what we need and that as missionaries we are 
here as the Lords tools. Super cool experience.
Other than that i have noticed that getting out and sharing the gospel gets rid of all the stress i have from working here in the office. But the week has been a lot of working here and trying to get everything squared up.
Not a whole lot of interesting but its whateves! 
Hope you have a great week! Love you guys!!
Elder Wadley
I just want to take a quick couple paragraphs and testify of the power that is in priesthood blessings- like the one these sweet Elders were able to give a complete stranger. Without knowing her- they were able to ease her worries and lighten the burdens that she had been carrying in her heart. I have had priesthood blessings given to me by my husband- when he had no idea of the things that I was struggling with internally. But my Heavenly Father did. My husband has said things to me in these blessing that only God would know. My husband has been inspired to bless me with things that I didn't even know that I needed myself. But my Heavenly Father did. The priesthood that my husband holds, and that these missionaries are endowed with- is the authority to act in the name of God. This power was restored by God, through Joseph Smith. It is the same priesthood power that was on the earth when Jesus and His disciples administered to the people.

It is real.

I have personally witnessed a humble priesthood blessing, in the quiet of a Children's Hospital  uttered to a baby, so full of tubes and monitors and wires, that these men were barely able to find a place to lay their hands on that tiny head. I listened as they blessed the baby with the desires of the Lord- to be restored to full health, and I doubted. The baby, smaller than a dollar bill, with all odds against it, and bleeding on the brain- yet these men were inspired to say the words that no mortal man would have dared. I observed a phone call the next day, the brain bleed had stopped. Another call, machines no longer needed. Subsequent calls were beyond belief, as that baby thrived- and I have watched him grow up- a silent witness to the miracle he is because of a priesthood blessing.

I am humbled when I watch my dad, my husband, and all of the worthy men in my life, exercise their priesthood calling to bless others. I am grateful to have that power bless my own life. I am proud of my boy, clear across the globe in Colombia serving as a disciple and representative of Christ, and finding these people who are in desperate need of His love.

You can learn more about the priesthood HERE.

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